Welcome to the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University




Huagen Wan, Ph.D.


Associate Professor


[email protected]

Research Interest

Human computer interaction, Human machine interface, Virtual reality


Dr. Huagen Wan has been engaged in the research and teaching of human-computer interaction and VR/AR-enabled intelligent interface for more than ten 

years. He was a principal investigator of projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the 863 high-tech project of MOST China. He had published more than 70 academic papers and won 3 national invention patents. He was the co-author of a teaching book and a Chinese translation book.


Work Experience

2018.3-present           Associate Professor              Center for Psychological Sciences, Zhejiang University

2001.1-2018.2            Associate Professor              State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University

2000.1-2000.12          Assistant Professor               State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University


Education and Training

1999                           Ph.D.                                      Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics                Zhejiang University

1993                           M.S.                                       Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics                Zhejiang University

1990                           B.S.                                        Applied Mathematics                                                            Zhejiang University


Selected Research Projects

2013 – 2016, Research on Spatial Perception Driven Natural Freehand Interaction Techniques in Mixed Reality Environments”  

                        (NSFC), PI

2010 – 2012, “Research on Direct Manipulation Techniques based on Realistic Flexible Personalized Virtual Hand”

                        (NSFC), PI


Selected Publications

[1]    Wang, W.J., Wan, H.G*. (2015). Real-time camera tracking using hybrid features in mobile augmented reality, Science China 

        Information Sciences, 58(11), 1-13.   

[2]    Chen, W.F., Zhu, S.J., Wan, H.G.*, Feng, J.Q. (2013). Dual quaternion based virtual hand interaction modeling, Science China 

        Information Sciences, 56(3), 1-11.

[3]    Wan, H.G., Dong, Z.L., Lin, H., Bao, H.J. (2012). A novel AR rendering system for aircraft cockpit panel, Computer Graphics 

        International 2012 (CGI2012), Bournmouth, 2012.6.12-2012.6.15.

[4]    Wan H.G., Xiao H.Y., Zou S., (2011). Hand gesture interaction for next-generation public games, Journal of Computer-Aided 

        Design & Computer Graphics, 23(7), 1159-1165. (in Chinese)

[5]    Wan, H.G., Chen, F.F., Han, X.X. (2009). A 4-layer flexible virtual hand model for haptic interaction, IEEE International 

        Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, Hong Kong, 2009.5.11-2009.5.13

[6]    Wan, H.G., Gao, S.M., Peng, Q.S., Dai, G.Z., Zhang, F.J. (2004). MIVAS: a multi-modal immersive virtual assembly system, 

        ASME 2004 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering 

        Conference, Salt Lake City, 2004.09.28-2004.10.02.    


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