Welcome to the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University




Liezhong Ge, Ph.D. 




[email protected]; [email protected] 

Research Interest

Human-computer interaction, facial recognition, user experience, usability


Dr. Liezhong Ge has been teaching and conducting research on engineering psychology and cognitive psychology for more than 30 years. His primary research interests include human-computer interaction, usability and user experience, and facial recognition. His research is funded in 16 national research grants, 14 

defense research grants, and 6 international research grants. He has also collaborated with companies, such as Nokia, Huawei, China telecom, Fotile, and Alib-aba, on more than 40 research projects. He is the author of 8 books and more than 170 referred journal articles.

Dr. Ge is a Professor of the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University, the Chair of the Engineering Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psych-ological Society.


Work Experience

2016 – present          Professor                                                                                Center for Psychological Sciences, Zhejiang University

2004 – 2016              Professor                                                                                Department of Psychology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

1985 – 2004              Lecturer / Associate Professor / Professor                              Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University


Education and Training  

1993                          Visiting Scholar      Department of Human Sciences               Loughborough University

199                            Ph.D.                       Industrial Psychology                              Hangzhou University

1985                          M.S.                        Engineering Psychology                          Hangzhou University

1982                          B.S.                         Psychology                                               Hangzhou University


Selected Research Projects

2017 – 2018,“UX design and evaluation toolbox”

                        Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., PI

2017 – 2020,“Research on the Gaze-based Dynamic Visual Presentation technique” (31671146)

                        National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI

2013 – 2016,“Cognitive Ability Testing Platform” and other projects

                        China Astronaut Research and Training Center, PI

2007 – 2015,“Various user experience evaluation projects"

                        China Telecom Co., Ltd., PI

2013 – 2014,“Cockpit Behavioral Analysis and Motion Simulation System”

                        Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, PI

2013 – 2015,“Development of Expert Facial Recognition and Processing”

                        US National Institutes of Health, Co-PI

2013 – 2014,“Human-System Interaction Ergonomics Evaluation System”

                        Aeronautical Radio Electronics Research Institute of China, PI

2011 – 2013,“Research on Mechanism of Dynamic Facial Processing” (31070908)

                        National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI

2007 – 2008,“Research on Characteristics of Dynamic Facial Processing” (30770710)

                        National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI

2004 – 2008,“Development of Facial Cognition Abilities in Children”

                        US National Institutes of Health, Co-PI


Selected Publications

[1]     Qijun Wang ,* Mengdan Sun,* Hongyan Liu,Yunxian Pan, Li Wang, and Liezhong Ge*, The applicability of eye-controlled 

         highlighting to the field of visual searching, Australian Journal of Psychology 2018 doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12200

[2]     Li, H., Jiang, K., Wang, Q., & Ge, L. (2017). Research on Interactive Highlighting based on Eye Tracking Technology. Journal 

         of Psychological Science, 40(2), 269-276.

[3]     Hongyan Liu, Mengdan Sun, Haili Ye, Duming Wang, Liezhong Ge*. (2017). Providing depth information in the display for 

         pursuit and compensatory tracking and optimization in 3-D space. Australian Journal of Psychology, 69, 65-73.

[4]     Tian, G., Wei, F., Liezhong Ge*. (2016).  Colours’ impact on morality: evidence from event-related potentials. Scientific 

         Reports, 6.

[5]     Liu, S., Xiao, N. G., Quinn, P. C., Zhu, D., Liezhong Ge*, Pascalis, O., & Lee, K*. (2015). Asian infants show preference for 

         own-race but not other-race female faces: the role of infant caregiving arrangements. Frontiers in psychology, 6.

[6]     Ge, Liezhong, Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Quinn, P. C., Pascalis, O., Kelly, D., ... & Lee, K*. (2009). Two faces of the other-race 

         effect: Recognition and categorisation of Caucasian and Chinese faces. Perception, 38(8), 1199.

[7]     Ge, Liezhong, Anzures, G., Wang, Z., Kelly, D. J., Pascalis, O., Quinn, P. C., & Lee, K*. (2008). An inner face advantage in 

         children’s recognition of familiar peers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 101(2), 124-136.

[8]     Ge, Liezhong, Wang, Z., McCleery, J. P., & Lee, K*. (2006). Activation of face expertise and the inversion effect. 

         Psychological Science, 17(1), 12-16.

[9]     Ge, L., Li, H., & Wang, D. (2017). Engineering Psychology [In Chinese]. Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.

[10]   Ge, L., Li, H., & Wang, D. (2012). Engineering Psychology [In Chinese]. Beijing, China: China Renmin University Press.

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